Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Manito Township
Page 831

THOMAS HILL, farmer; P. O. Manito; was born in England in 1825, on a farm, and remained there until 1851, engaged in farming with bis father. He came to New York; remained but a short time; then came to Illinois, settling at Knoxville for six months, making brick; he then worked on a farm in Knox Co. for Bainbridge, for one winter, when he hired out to Squire Marks for a year, and afterward went to Peoria and engaged in working in a tavern for Prince, where he remained some four years; he then worked at farming at Princeville for three years for himself; from there he came to Mason Co. and engaged in farming for himself, renting of B. Prettyrnan; he then went to what is called Egypt and engaged on E. Atvood'a farm for two years. Nov. 22. 1862, he was married to Nancy C. Charlton, of Clark Co.. III.; some time after marriage, they bought land and settled on it and rented; he sold out in a year and rented a farm of George Alfa for three years; from there; they came to the present farm of 240 acres, 160 of which they inherited and the rest they have obtained by their own labor; the, land is worth probably $50 per acre. His wife had the following children before marrying Mr. Hill:  James B., A. Lincoln, William H.; after this marriage:  John T., George W., Annie, Mary (died Oct. 14, 1864, Sargent M.; Cornelius E., Columbus, Sarah A. (dead), Charlie.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer